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Čestlice: oblačno 12°C

Useful information

Operator and investor

Operator and investor


GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.


Operator of sport-relax complex Aquapalace Praha is company GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.

GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s. is joint venture of a czech company SPGroup, a.s. and of german GMF GmbH& Co KG. GMF GmbH& Co KG is currently running over 20 water resorts and thermal spas all over whole Germany plus it's expanding into Czech republic, Swiss and Poland.



Masarykovo nábřeží 235/28 
110 00 Praha 1 

IČO: 276 42 127 
DIČ: CZ 276 42 127 
Registered in business register, led by town court in Prague section B, component 11435

Stanovy GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.

Invitatiton onto a general meeting GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
Session of the supervisory board GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.

Report of the board of directors 2013
Report of the auditor 2013

Invitation onto a general meeting GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s. (1. 12. 2016)

Group agreement (1. 9. 2016)




The investor is AQUAPALACE, a.s., belonging based on a personal link to group SPG, in it's lead stands holding company SPGroup a.s.

SPGroup was established in1995 as a holding party SPG, whose main business was to buy, hold and sell controlling shares of other companies­, manage the strains of its subsidiaries, hold and rise value of all other its assets.

Currently­ SPGroup holds mainly equity shares in industrial businesses, companies focused on finantial and non-finantial services also companies mediating selling of real estate or realizing develphers projects.

Strategy of the group is based on three pillars - investing into industrial parties, financial and non-finantial services, but is not aganist all new acquisitions outside existing fields. Main non-finantial services are provided by advertisment agency, trade fair, software company, real estate agency, Aquapalace Praha complex and newly opened hotel.

Informace zveřejňované emitentem dluhopisů.


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