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Water + Sauna World


Discover our saunas and warming rooms

Enjoy healthy relaxation in many ways

Even the Finns would be surprised to see how multifaceted our Sauna World is! You can find 18 different heating rooms there, designed for pleasant, luxurious and unconventional sauning. The area is divided into three notional parts – traditional Finnish saunas, Roman baths and an outdoor section. For cooling, you can use a number of special showers and cold plunge pools; for relaxation, we recommend whirlpools or relaxation zones with deck chairs.

5 reasons why use sauna:

  • Detoxification of the organism – the heat opens skin pores and brings out harmful substances.
  • Improvement of blood circulation.
  • Increase of the resistance of organism to common cold.
  • Beneficial cosmetic effects on the skin – if sauna is used regularly, skin strengthens and heals.
  • An all-year-round opportunity for doing something for one’s health – especially the winter months when the body suffers from a deficit of heat are suitable.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 10:00-23:00
Saturday-Sunday 9:00-23:00
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