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Balneo & Medical


We are a facility with state-of-the-art equipment using a wide range of therapeutic methods.

We offer comprehensive diagnostics and therapy for the following diagnoses:
  • Vertebrogenic diseases
  • Improper body posture
  • Scoliosis of the spine
  • Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system
  • Orthopedic diagnosis
  • Neurological diagnosis
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative conditions
  • Musculoskeletal disorders

The timeliness of medical rehabilitation in the event of pain or postoperative conditions with regard to maximum treatment effectiveness is critical. As we are well aware of this, we focus on a highly individual and flexible approach to our clients.

A knowledgeable and professional team of physicians and physiotherapists is ready to help you throughout the week. The sufficient capacity of the entire complex enables almost immediate admission to treatment.

The insurance coverage applies to clients of the following health insurance companies:  

111 VZP (General Health Insurance Company)
201 VOZP   (Military Health Insurance Company)
205 ČPZP  (Czech Industrial Health Insurance Company)
207 OZP(Professional Health Insurance Company)
211 ZPMV   (Ministry of Interior Health Insurance)
How to make an appointment with us:
Procedures can be utilized on the basis of a medical examination, which can be ordered by calling + 420 702 292 581.

System for making an appointment: 
  • Making an appointment for examination by our physician:
    Based on the examination, our medical specialist will issue a breakdown of procedures (paid for by the insurance company with a co-payment as well as for direct payment).
  • Recommendations made by your physician
    We also accept patients with a “K” or “FT” examination / treatment request form.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 7:00 - 21:00
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