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Čestlice: jasno 5°C

Loungers and Beds


Enjoy and relax!

Take your day in Aquapalace to the next level. Now you can book loungers and beds in advance and have it for yourself all day. Lounger is always for one person. A group of friend or family can book a Family Bed with the capacity up to 4 people. If you would decide to visit our Saunaworld for a few hours through the day, nobody will take your lounger or bed, it is yours only!

Outside garden zone
Loungers and beds are located in the outside zone right across the Coral bar next to the outside lagoon.

Paradise terrace
Loungers and beds are situated in the Palace of Relaxation on the terrace next to the Paradise bar with a splendid overview of the main swimming pool.

You can book loungers and beds for the next 7 days.

Booking HERE

Come to enjoy it!
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