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SPG Palace of Adventures

SPG Palace of Adventures
Spacebowl - also known as a funnel slide. It's a waterslide ending with a circular bowl resembling a giant funnel, where centrifugal force and a water current spin users several times before they drop through a narrow opening into the deep but safe waters of a splash pool. It's not just the ride that's fun, but also watching others spinning and landing in various ways (headfirst, sitting, feet first, or entirely differently). The best ones can spin in the funnel up to 6 times.Fun for the whole family at Aquapalace Prague
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
SPG Palace of Adventures
Outdoor zone
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác pokladů
Palác relaxu
Palác relaxu
Palác relaxu
Palác relaxu
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