Nützliche Information
Betreiber und Investor
Operator and investor
GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
Operator of sport-relax complex Aquapalace Praha is company GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s. is joint venture of a czech company SPGroup, a.s. and of german GMF GmbH& Co KG. GMF GmbH& Co KG is currently running over 20 water resorts and thermal spas all over whole Germany plus it's expanding into Czech republic, Swiss and Poland.
Masarykovo nábřeží 235/28
110 00 Praha 1
IČO: 276 42 127
DIČ: CZ 276 42 127
Registered in business register, led by town court in Prague section B, component 11435
Stanovy GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
Invitatiton onto a general meeting GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
Session of the supervisory board GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s.
Report of the board of directors 2013
Report of the auditor 2013
Invitation onto a general meeting GMF Aquapark Prague, a.s. (1. 12. 2016)
The investor is AQUAPALACE, a.s., belonging based on a personal link to group SPG, in it's lead stands holding company SPGroup a.s.
SPGroup was established in1995 as a holding party SPG, whose main business was to buy, hold and sell controlling shares of other companies, manage the strains of its subsidiaries, hold and rise value of all other its assets.
Currently SPGroup holds mainly equity shares in industrial businesses, companies focused on finantial and non-finantial services also companies mediating selling of real estate or realizing develphers projects.
Strategy of the group is based on three pillars - investing into industrial parties, financial and non-finantial services, but is not aganist all new acquisitions outside existing fields. Main non-finantial services are provided by advertisment agency, trade fair, software company, real estate agency, Aquapalace Praha complex and newly opened hotel.
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