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Čestlice: zataženo 1°C

Kind für 1 Krone


Jarní prázdniny v Aquapalace Praha
A new loyalty program through which you can take advantage of the offer Child for one crown. More information about the conditions can be found below.

Come and enjoy the spring holidays in the most entertaining water park in Central Europe.

Visit the most entertaining water park in our country with your family and friends – Aquapalace Prague, where amazing experiences are never lacking! ἰa὆8‍὆9‍὆7‍὆6 Look forward to unique adventures, relaxation, and unforgettable moments full of fun! ✨

The amazing Water World spanning 9,150 m² offers three thematic palaces:

  • Treasure Palace – a place full of fun for both young and old explorers.
  • Adventure Palace – experience excitement and adrenaline on slides and chutes.
  • Relaxation Palace – perfect for those who want to unwind and enjoy peace.

Try 21 slides and chutes, including the crazy funnel slide that will pump up your adrenaline, or the tandem slide where you can race your partner to the fastest descent. Don't forget to dive into the wave pool, where you'll feel like swimming in the sea, or drift along the lazy river that stretches 450 meters through the entire Water World. ἰaὯ6

For those seeking quieter experiences, there is a swimming pool, whirlpools, or the breathtaking daily Laser Show that will light up your evening. ✨ And if you love sunshine, try the outdoor area filled with comfortable sun loungers where you can sunbathe or just relax. ☀️

Conditions for the "Child for one crown" offer:

  • Registration in the Aquapalace Prague loyalty program - HERE
  • Offer valid from January 30 to March 16, 2025
  • Tickets purchased via the e-shop can be used from January 30 to March 16, 2025. The six-month validity does not apply.
  • Valid for one child up to 150 cm with one fully paying adult who purchases an adult or student/senior ticket.
  • Children over 150 cm pay student admission fees.
  • The length of the child's stay matches the ticket duration purchased by the adult.
  • If the ticket duration is exceeded, additional time is charged per minute according to the valid price list.


Pondělí 9-22
Úterý 9-22
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Čtvrtek 9-22
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Sobota 9-22
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