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Čestlice: slabý déšť 2°C

Мир саун

Visitors rules

How to use sauna in a healthy and effective manner

  • Each time before you enter sauna, wipe water off the surface of your body. 
  • Only take a sheet or a bath towel, on which you will sit or lie, into the heating space. It is not advisable to sit like on a chair – there is a risk of vertigo or a headache.
  •  In saunas, you can breathe through your nose as well as your mouth. If you have a burning sensation from the air when breathing, you can cover your nose and mouth with a palm of your hand. Maintain the same breathing frequency that you are normally accustomed to.
  •  After expiration of the recommended period of stay or when you start to have burning sensation in your earlobes, on your nose tip or nipples, leave the sauna.
  • While sweating, you can caress and wipe the surface of your body very gently; this helps skin pores to open and dirt from skin to be washed away.
  • Wash under a shower and cool in a pool – by immersing into water gradually, not by jumping into it! If possible, cool your head, too, or at least cool up to the nape of your neck.
  • In the pool, observe the course of 3 stages with total duration of ca 2-5 minutes:
  1. First, you will feel a sensation of cold.
  2. Then you will start to feel thermal comfort.
  3. In the last stage, when you start to feel a sensation of cold again, leave the pool and return to the sauna.
  • Repeat the hot-cold procedure at least 3 times. After the last cooling, wash with lukewarm water (do not use soap this time) and wrap yourself in a bath towel, a bathrobe or a gown.
  • Wrapped and dried-up, go to the resting room or the Sauna Bar to relax there for at least 20 minutes. At this stage, do not forget to replenish fluids properly. Refrigerated tea, mineral water or selected isotonic sports beverages are suitable for this purpose.
  • If you carried out the sauning process correctly, you will feel pleasantly relaxed and tired. Consumption of alcohol or smoking would cancel the beneficial effects; therefore you are advised to treat yourselves to the beverages and dishes recommended to you by the waiting staff of the Sauna Bar.
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