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Visitors rules


  1. Access to the fitness center is permitted for persons aged 15 and over. The responsibility for the child's health is fully borne by the parent or legal guardian.
  2. A visitor is only allowed to enter the Fitness Centre when wearing clean and quality footwear with a light-coloured sole and suitable sportswear designed for physical exercise. Solely the changing room is to be used for changing clothes and putting clothes aside.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to consume food, to smoke, to use open fire and to consume alcoholic beverages in the whole area of the Fitness Centre. Only non-alcoholic beverages in plastic containers are permitted. Persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances are prohibited from entering the area of the Fitness Centre.
  4. Use a towel when doing physical exercise. In this way, you protect your health and the artificial leather cover of benches and body-building machines from the aggressive action of sweat.
  5. Dumbbells, bars of barbells, bells and other gear used by you should be returned to the stands and to their places.
  6. We do not have any responsibility for items, valuables, cash and clothes that have not been deposited and locked; please, use the safety deposit boxes situated in the entrance reception area of the Fitness Centre for depositing them.
  7. When you leave the fitness Centre, it is unconditionally necessary to vacate the locker; otherwise it will be vacated by our staff; the costs associated with this operation will be borne by the user of the locker.
  8. The people exercising in the areas of the Fitness Centre are required to use the equipment in such way so that they do not jeopardise their own health or the health of other exercising people by inadequate selection of equipment.
  9. For the purpose of first aid, there is a first aid kit, equipped pursuant to the valid regulations and in accordance with the provided services, in the reception area of the Fitness Centre.
  10. When doing a demanding or dangerous exercise, ask the Fitness Centre reception staff for supervision.

The text above does not replace the valid visitor and operational rules, which all visitors are required to comply with and the full text of which is available for consultation in the entrance hall and in all the sections of Aquapalace Praha.

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