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Balneo & Medical

Permanentka BM 5+1 laser

Laser Treatment Package 5 + 1 Extra Looking for an effective way to support regeneration and accelerate healing? Laser therapy offers top-notch results thanks to its biostimulatory effects. The treatments help stimulate collagen production, enhance blood circulation, and support the regeneration of blood vessels, lymphatic pathways, and epithelial tissues. Additionally, they improve oxygen and glucose utilization in the body, speeding up the overall healing process. Laser therapy also alleviates pain, reduces inflammation (including bacterial and viral), and minimizes swelling. Treatments are applied either continuously or in pulses, depending on individual needs. The 5 + 1 package is an ideal choice for those seeking comprehensive care with visible results.

Elige una hora:
15 min.

2000 CZK

Permanentka BM 5+1 laser
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