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Čestlice: mlha 8°C

Lymphatic massages

Machine-assisted Lymphatic drainage 50 minutes

Machine-assisted Lymphatic drainage 50 minutes – Regeneration and Relaxation for Your Body. Treat your body to an effective and gentle therapy that supports the proper functioning of the lymphatic system while offering both relaxing and cosmetic benefits. Instrumental lymphatic drainage aids in recovery after injuries, surgeries, or excessive strain, promotes detoxification, improves cellular metabolism, and enhances overall fitness and immunity. The procedure uses special compression garments (pants, sleeves, vest) with inflatable chambers that stimulate lymphatic circulation based on a precisely set program. This therapy is suitable not only for health purposes but also for aesthetic goals, such as reducing swelling or improving skin care. Our clients with contracted insurance companies can also take advantage of discounted rates. Each session lasts 30 minutes—an ideal time for improving health and enjoying some relaxation.

650 CZK

Machine-assisted Lymphatic drainage 50 minutes
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