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Mundo de la sauna

Private Birch Whisk Rituals at Aquapalace Praha

1 dic 202431 jul 2025

Discover a unique cleansing experience in the sauna world of Aquapalace Praha, combining gentle touch with deep relaxation. Private birch whisk rituals take place in a cozy sauna tent, where under the guidance of an experienced sauna master, you will experience harmony between physical and mental relaxation.

The ritual lasts one hour and takes place in an intimate environment created exclusively for you. It includes gentle whisking, exfoliation, and the use of olive soap, helping to deeply cleanse your skin. After the ritual, you can relax on a private lounger, where refreshing tea and fruit await you. The tent's ventilation ensures a pleasant atmosphere and optimal conditions for maximum relaxation.

This procedure is inspired by traditional sauna rituals from Finland and Lithuania, where usually birch or oak whisks are used to gently stimulate the skin. The result is a feeling of deep relaxation and renewal of both body and mind.

Schedule: Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Price: 990 CZK/hour.

Treat yourself to a moment of peace and relaxation. Private birch whisk rituals at Aquapalace Praha will help you relieve stress, release tension, and experience sauna rituals on a whole new level.

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