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Čestlice: mlha 8°C

Spa paquetes promocionales

Balíček - Celodenní relax pro dva

This perfect package includes full-day entry to the largest sauna world in the Czech Republic. Also, a 60-minute relaxing aroma massage for two people worth CZK 3,380. A visit to a small private room with a whirlpool (without service) for 120 minutes. And a voucher worth CZK 1,000 to choose from the à la carte menu in the newest sauna restaurant. The restaurant voucher applies to two people with a minimum spend of CZK 500 per person in the sauna restaurant. Massages and the private room must be booked in advance at SPA & Wellness by calling +420 271 104 131 or emailing We care about your comfort – upon arrival, you will receive towels, bathrobes, and sheets. For maximum convenience, we recommend bringing waterproof slippers.

6499 CZK

Balíček - Celodenní relax pro dva

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