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Наша команда

Lukáš Kverka

Lukáš Kverka

I have been actively engaged in sport since I was 4, namely in ice hockey (HC Sparta Praha, HC Slavia Praha) and floorball (TJ JM Chodov). For me, sport is a lifestyle in both physical and mental terms. I have been a personal fitness trainer for 12 years. My programs include functional circuit training, weight-reduction training, muscle mass training, bikini fitness training and men's physique, mobilization exercises, exercises for pregnant women, exercises with children, workouts after injury, and maintaining physical fitness. I exercise both with beginners and more advanced people who want new motivation and a shift in their career. At the same time, I am glad when the training is fun for clients and the goals we set together are reached.


Забронировать - Group lessons, personal training


  • Academy of Physical Education and Sport – Palestra – Sports Manager
  • Graduate of the Petr Stach Training School
  • Center for Regenerative Education


  • Bosu Core diploma (Face Czech)
  • Flowin Core diploma (Face Czech)
  • Fitness center instructor
  • Bodybuilding trainer
  • Personal fitness training coach
  • Classic and sports massages, health phys. ed.
  • Hot stones
  • Taping, cupping
  • Power Plate® Fitness & Performance level I
  • Power Plate® Fitness & Performance level II
  • TRX® Suspension Training
Hvězdice: tečkovaná různobarevně Koník: tečkován různobarevně Ryba: tečkovaná různobarevně Želva: tečkovaná různobarevně Hvězdice: tečkovaná bíle Vodní svět: schůdky do vody Fitness: srdce s tepem Saunový svět: člověk v sauně Spa a Wellness: masírující člověk Spa a Wellness: masírující člověk Gastro svět: talíř s příborem Hotel: manželská postel Peněženka Bulovka Dental Clinic Partnerský e-shop Balneo & medical: vozíčkář Saunový svět: kyblík s vařečkou Saunový svět: kyblík s vařečkou Logo Let's Be Active Lahátko s deštníkem Hlava dítěte Plamen Sauna fest: člověk v sauně Věrnostní program