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Мир саун

The most advantageous saunas ticket

Enjoy endless relaxation with our exclusive sauna membership! With this membership, you’ll have unlimited access to the Sauna World for six months, where you can experience a wide range of sauna ceremonies, unique treatments, and a peaceful relaxation zone. We’ve added a luxurious new benefit—your membership now includes a 60-minute private room rental in the SPA & Wellness area, featuring a steam sauna and a heated Hammam marble table for two people! The membership includes free access to all sauna ceremonies (except those with a special fee) and free admission to six selected paid ceremonies. The membership is valid for six months from the date of purchase, and we also offer free parking and a towel rental with each visit. This membership is non-transferable and cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions, but it provides you with daily, all-day access to the Sauna World, allowing you to make the most of your experience. Indulge yourself and take advantage of this wonderful offer that opens the door to a world of perfect relaxation!

11990 CZK

The most advantageous saunas ticket

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Вы можете распечатать подарочный сертификат дома, отправить его получателю в электронном виде в виде файла .pdf, или заказать его отправку по почте на глянцевой бумаге и в продольном конверте. Он несомненно принесет много радости в любом формате.

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