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Wodny Świat Świat Saun balneo-a-medical SPA & Wellness

High-Power LASER BTL 20W

1 maj 202431 gru 2025

Introducing revolutionary technology in physiotherapy – the High-Power LASER BTL 20W in our rehabilitation center Balneo&Medical Aquapalace Prague! This advanced device offers effective treatment for pain and inflammation and promotes tissue regeneration.

  • By utilizing the latest laser technologies, it provides precise and deep penetration, delivering quick and efficient results.
  • It is ideal for patients with chronic and acute pain, sports injuries, and other conditions requiring special care.
  • Experience a new level of care and accelerate your recovery with our advanced laser system!

Book your appointment today and start your journey to better health with us: or +420739341082 (Mon-Fri 7:00 - 21:00).

All information regarding the services of our Balneo & Medical Aquapalace Prague can be found here: Balneo & Medical | Aquapalace Prague


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